Sports Anime!!
I only have a handful of proper husbandos from sports shows, but I'm a huge, HUGE fan of the genre. Haikyuu!!, Yuri On Ice!!!, Ashita no Joe, and RE-MAIN are my four all-time favorites, but I also like The Prince of Tennis, Eyeshield 21, Free!, Hajime no Ippo, Ping Pong the Animation...
I'll be here all day if I talk about the shows themselves.

Rei Ryuugazai - Free!
Okay look at him??? This is the ideal glasses man. He's shredded from doing both track and swimming. Any man with glasses is an automatic 10/10 and any man with blue hair is an automatic 10/10, which makes Rei a solid 20. I've loved this man from the second I laid eyes on him.
LITERALLY. FLAWLESS. No notes. I own so much merch of this fucker.
oh my god.
Genuinely I feel like Free! dropped the ball majorly in later seasons. But I will always love Rei-chan.
Tsukishima Kei - Haikyuu!!
First and foremost, if you haven't watched this, what the fuck are you even doing?
Hi!!!! This is Tsukishima Kei!!! He's the best character in the gay volleyball show!!!
Here he is having the best dialog!!
Here he is washing his glasses!!!
Here he is again!!!!
God he's such an asshole!! i love him!!!!
Tooru Oikawa - Haikyuu!!
This man is such a fucking prick.
Personally, though, I didn't fall in love with him until I saw him with glasses. Of course.
I'm going to punch him in the damn face. His damn stupid beautiful fucking face.
I'll then immediately make out with him.
Joe Yabuki - Ashita no Joe
Could not resist the Ippo gif <3
Ashita no Joe/Tomorrow's Joe is a classic 1960s boxing anime, very tragic, very gritty, and very much a must-watch. Boxing animes always go so hard
This art is literally so gorgeous?
I can fix him.
Tadashi Kikuchi and Adam - SK8: The Infinity
These two have to have a section together of course!
So for the record I cannot recommend this show enough! It really blew my away with its story, animation, characters, etc and also a lot of cute boys, but I like these two the most, and I like Tadashi AKA Snake the most.
He is Adam's loyal butler/best friend/boyfriend/fuck buddy/whatever. For so much of the show he's very submissive but later on he actually becomes a skateboarder and surprises anyone, and his friendship with Adam is beautiful. The two have known each other their whole lives. I know Tadashi has a fairly bland character design but it's the simple things sometimes that really sell a good husbando, especially when, like Tadashi, they're actually a really good character.
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And when we finally see him SMILE???
As for Adam... like you saw above, normally he just looks like an extremely blue guy
But when he skateboards he turns into a fucking freak
Basically he dresses up as a Victorian Char Aznable just so he can own some people half his age. He was so real for that. I need to watch SK8 again.