Sebastian-ouji's Husbandos (and more...) Shrine

This shrine contains SPOILERS and NSFW ramblings.

August 26nd, 2024

Things could be better. There's a lot happening in my personal life besides just vtuber graduations. Well, to blow off some steam today, I'm working on the website. A few pictures have been added to the Sailor Moon section! So far there's only Mamoru and Jadeite but there'll be plenty there soon. I'm out of steam for the night.

August 22nd, 2024

I'm still wallowing in depression, but I do feel less weighed down by grief. We'll see how I feel later tonight when Hex's graduation stream begins, but I also don't plan to stick around and watch it. I'll tell him my goodbyes and then leave; Hex would not want me to damage my mental health just for the sake of his stream but more important than that is that my therapist also recommended I not watch if it may be too much for me lol.

Still no magical girls section yet BUT. Go check the Sports Anime section! I added Tooru Oikawa from Haikyuu! I can't believe I forgot him the first time around. Actually, he wasn't on my document listing all my husbandos. What a crime! But he's there now.

Thanks for your patience, if anyone is seeing this (it's okay if no one reads this! Like I said last time this is my secret place.)

Also, a more utility update: There's an awful lot of blog posts on this front page, so I made a page 2 for them. I highly doubt you'd want to, but a link is available to page 2 at the bottom of this page. Hopefully this should save on load times and also help with the front page updating properly. Additionally, I noticed a font disrepency with the blog posts which has been fixed.

August 21st, 2024

I got the magical boy pictures sorted, but...

I talked about how sad I am about Hex Haywire last time... but honestly I understated things a bit. Even though Vesper was a higher-ranked oshi than Hex is I'm actually way sadder about Hex. I think part of it is because Vesper didn't have a graduation stream or any of that stuff. At the time I was angry about that. But after Mysta and Hex I think I'm actually happy he didn't. The bandage got ripped off all at once.. I didn't have to deal with two weeks of goodbye streams with a countdown of the days left in the title. The worst part is that every time I think I'm ready and I'm not sad any more I see something new that makes me sad. Like just now I saw the title of his final ASMR stream that airs tomorrow. I love ASMR. I love Hex's ASMRs and have them all downloaded, including the whimpering one that got removed from YouTube. His ASMR streams are amazing, and the title has completely broken me and now I want to cry and it's not even the graduation stream yet.

What has made this a lot harder is also that my husband's work is closing and he is getting laid off the EXACT SAME DAY. He has another job lined up thankfully but it still fucking hurts. It all just hurts so fucking much and I'm so overwhelmed with sadness and grief. Three death anniversaries happen around this time of year for me too, so my heart is hurting so much every single day.

My heart is so worn out, and sometimes it doesn't even feel worth it to like vtubers. I once saw a post saying they have the lifespan of a pet hamster and that's very funny, but it's also so true it feels like and it feels like you can't even enjoy them knowing that they'll probably graduate before you know it. But I love vtubers and watching them and enjoying their content.

Sorry to get so heavy. I know this is the shrine of simping, and it's kind of my private happy place. The people in my life (except my husband) don't know I have this shrine. It's my secret place to be myself.

Grief is so difficult.

I do have the pics sorted, they're not resized yet for the website and I still need to trim them down as I probably have too many pictures (not that this has stopped me) but I just haven't felt like doing anything. My writing and dance practice have suffered because of the depression I'm dealing with.

One nice thing is I did find Hex's past life. He was a vtuber named Kyrios before becoming Hex Haywire. I subbed to his Twitch in case he ever decides to reincarnate as Kyrios again. I don't know if he will but if he does I suppose I will be there.

I'm trying to stay strong for my husband and for myself and all the people in my life but I feel like I have an anchor tied around my ankle threatening to bring me down to the bottom of the sea. I know it's ridiculous that I feel this way over a vtuber graduating but I cannot help but feel everything so strongly and I wish I didn't.

Forever and a day, Hex... agh, where is Magni's copium?! I seriously need it.

August 10th, 2024

Hello once again after a month and a half, husbando enthuasiasts!

Life has been getting me down so I haven't been able to work on the shrine. If you love husbandos as much as I do I'm sure you heard the bad news about Hex Haywire graduating. He is one of my top oshis so the news devastated me. Actually I like him much more than Mysta, Taka, or Magni (remember how awful last August was???) but not as much as Vesper. His channel is staying up and he is still a husbando/oshi so I will still write about him when I reach the Vtuber section of this shrine. That said my husband is really helping me and so is my therapist.

I'm going to go grab some pics for the SK8 characters I wanted to add like I said! BARE MINIMUM I will get that done tonight. I also want to try and get some sections going for the Magical Boys part even if I don't get around to posting any pictures or yapping/simping yet.

Also, while I was adding Adam and Takashi to the sports anime section I totally forgot I had planned to add color hex codes to character's names... oops

I've gone through my 'Magical Girl' folder in my archives and found a lot of great pics for that section. It'll be coming soon, and by "soon" probably a while, as I have a VERY VERY busy couple of weeks coming up.

June 22nd, 2024

Minor edits in addition to the JUne 21st update below--I added an extra section for "Other Mecha Anime", for husbandos from non-Gundam husbandos.

ADDITIONALLY, it appears I have made an EXTREMELY GREVIOUS OVERSIGHT. I forgot to include husbandos from SK8: The Infinity in the Sports Anime section, despite this being one of the best anime I've seen in recent years! It's much too late/early to do this right now, but I'm definitely gonna rectify this before I work on the Magic Boys section.

June 21st, 2024

Wonderful news! I managed to finish out the Jojo section today. Really, all that was left was fixing some image links and adding a few pics for Part 8 Jousuke. But it is FINALLY finished!

Now that Jojo is finished, the next section will be magical boys. I'll need to go through my archives to gather up some good pictures for this one. It'll be a pretty fun one for sure.

I've also made sure every page on the site has the proper "what's new" and "other stuff" sidebars. this was so tedious lol

Jun 19th, 2024

Hello! It's been 3 weeks and now I have 14,000 views. Amazing!

I have great news, which is also an explanation for not updating. I got several writing commissions I had to work on. Additionally, I shall be performing as a dance idol for the first time next weekend at a local event!

Ah, but what you're really here for...

I added a few new pictures to the Gundam section because I have a TON of screenshots from Unicorn of Angelo, Frontal, and Bright. I haven't added them all yet as of this writing but I want to try and get them all added tonight. I've also started the Steel Ball Run section for the Jojo husbandos.

The Jojo section is so close to completion!

May 22nd, 2024

Hello! I'm back from NYC and was honestly much too busy to ever work on the website while I was there. I cam home and there was ELEVEN THOUSAND VIEWS. Wow!

There's a few more Jojo characters in the Jojo section! I decided to split pts 5-9 into a separate page, which is linked to on the pts 1-4 page but you can also follow this link.

I also added a very small handful of new pictures to the Part 1-4 section. It's really late so I'm gonna work more on it later. I have to prepare for a convention this weekend. But like I said in the last update I have a few Gundam screencaps I took while watching Origin, Unicorn, and Wing that I plan to add to the Gundam section of the site. I've also been making a playlist on my laptop of songs I want to add to the music player that you can find in the Fun Stuff area. I'm still so tired from traveling all the time lately so I really need some sleep.

May 9th, 2024

Happy Dungeon Meshi thursdays!

So I HAD hoped to work on the website while I was in DC for Miku Expo. Problem is I decided to camp at a really lovely campground near the venue and the wifi there was BAD. Honestly worse than bad it was practically non-existent.

Today is a good day to work on it, though, so I'm going to try and add a bit to the Jojo section today. If not, I'll at least add a few new songs to the WinAmp player in the Fun Stuff section. I may place this WinAmp player in other areas of the site, only issue is it is rather bulky and takes up a lot of site data.

Miku Expo was amazing! I hadn't been since 2016. Kaito was beautiful as always! He was my first Vocaloid husbando and still probably tops for Vocal Synth hotties. He sang "Literary" and "on the rocks" which are both great songs.

Next week I go to NYC. I'm staying in a hotel, not camping, so I'll have internet to work on the website.

Don't forget to watch the new Dungeon Meshi today. Which guy in it is your favorite? When I started the manga I liked Senshi the most but Laios and Chilchuck are growing on me.

Also, I got Lyney in Genshin Impact. He's cute! But I'm excited for Sethos... he looks like Claude from Three Houses... and i also finally got Diluc's costume. The higher ponytail makes him look like a samurai, but his gothy outfit makes him look like a vampire. What a great look for my prince! Neuvillette is still the best one, though.

My husband and I have been watching the original Gundam lately. Oh, I love Char and Garma so much. I'm happy anytime I can see them onscreen.

PS: I'm going through my image collection on my laptop and have a lot of Gundam pics I wanted to add the first time I made the Gundam husbandos pages and wasn't able to. I'll be adding those soon!

Also thank you for OVER 9000 VIEWS.

April 25th, 2024

Hello, boylikers!

I was able to find some time to edit the website today! Go check the Jojo section--I've added some wonderful pics of Dio and Kakyoin. I'm not quite finished with Kakyoin's section yet (tbh, I could fill an entire website with love and artwork of him).

I've been traveling for the past month. Did you get to see the eclipse? I wore my Behelit necklace from Berserk that day, but the chain wound up breaking by the end of the day. How mysterious!

Did you get to see ATEEZ at Coachella? Or the livestream? Weren't they amazing? Especially my boy Yunho... I'm really hoping to get to see ATEEZ in Queens later this year.

the best news I can give you thought is I GOT NEUVILLETTE IN GENSHIN IMPACT!!!!! He's my FAVORITE. Now, I can die happy. Actually, not really, until I can get Zhongli. Let's hope he gets a rerun soon. Unfortunately I did not get Kazuha. I'll try for Lyney but Kazuha is much hotter...

Oh, and thanks for SEVEN THOUSAND VIEWS! I'll have to update a lot more if I have that many people coming and checking the shrine out..

That's all for now.

March 3rd, 2024

Hello! Happy belated new year!

It's been a whole two months since I was able to work on the site because a lot has been eating my time. I got Lies of P for Christmas and I was addicted to that all through January (you'll see an entry for the protagonist once I get to the video games section, fufufu~) and of course Genshin Impact and Fire Emblem and Time Princess as well. And a lot of reading.

I also had a convention to attend in February and I've been practicing Vocaloid dances and working on writing commissions.

AND, I went and saw the Advent Children re-release in theaters and attended a masquerade ball with my husband. Really!

No updates to the site today but I wanted to make an "I'm alive" update.

I'm thinking one way to motivate myself to work on the site is to not do the pages in the order I initially planned but instead to switch around depending on what i'm currently playing/watching/reading/hyperfixating on. Also, I may add a "book club" section where I talk about books I like featuring cute guys or gay guys or whatever.

Until I can ACTUALLY post again, have this fun yaoi song using Synthesizer V JUN and ANRI Arcane.

Thanks for 5,000 views!

"Dream Of U"

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