Sebastian-ouji's Husbandos (and more...) Shrine
Of the idol anime I've seen, I think I7 may be the best one, alongside ARGONAVIS. I7's plot is just so interesting, and its characters are too! Plus the music is good, although I think SideM and ARGONAVIS have the hands-down best music.
Gaku Yaotome
No contest. Gaku is THE best boy in I7. No contest. He is the whole package. I'm so in love with this man.

"Erase all the noise around you. Listen for your own voice. Instead of striving to become someone who’ll be loved by a hundred people, become someone you’ll love yourself. That’s what it’s like to put your all into being yourself."
This is one of my wallpapers~
Be still, my heart...
His intense stare makes my heart throb, makes my stomach flutter...
How beautiful is he with glasses?!
His dad is sexy, too. He's an irredeemable asshole, though he has some sympathetic scenes--but more often than not I just want to deck him.
God i wish this was me.
Nagi Rokuya
Me with my archives full of fanart and memes of my husbandos
Nagi is absolutely wonderful, and also the funniest character. His random use of English is hilarious. He's also secretly a prince and that's very sexy of him.